ActionCOACH of Elm Grove Now Strategic Business Center
ActionCOACH of Elm Grove now Strategic Business Center Elm Grove, Wis. – May 20, 2019 – ActionCOACH of Elm Grove has changed its name to Strategic Business Center After 15 years as ActionCOACH Business Coaching – Southeastern Wisconsin, also known as ActionCOACH of Elm Grove, partners Jim and Tom Palzewicz have decided to rebrand their award-winning business to Strategic Business Center. “When we began in 2004, ActionCOACH Business Coaching gave us the foundation to help business owners improve their business,” said Jim Palzewicz, Managing Partner of Strategic Business Center. “We have grown the expertise of our team of five Business Strategists to offer many other services, including Traction® from the Entrepreneurial Operating System®; ‘Strategic Management’, which is soft skills training for managers, DiSC and other assessments. We’re ready for a new identity that truly represents everything we do to help entrepreneurs and leadership teams grow from good to great.” Palzewicz provided insight into the new name. “Strategic Business Center emphasizes our passion of helping entrepreneurs create the best strategy for their business to achieve their goals and success, including growing revenue and profit, building a high-performing team and culture, and developing a leadership team that can run the business and move the owner out of the day-to-day management,” he said. With offices in Elm Grove and Racine, Strategic Business Center has worked with hundreds of business owners to take their companies from good to great, employing customized strategies and processes developed by ActionCOACH, the world’s largest business coaching firm, EOS® from the best-selling book Traction®, and Engage & Grow, a revolutionary activation system to improve employee engagement. The firm has won multiple awards recognizing individual coaches and its overall team performance, both from ActionCOACH’s international headquarters and from regional business organizations. More information is available by calling 262-790-1213 or at