Backbone Institute, LLC

  • Business & Professional Services
1109 Emerson Dr
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
(262) 567-5983
(262) 567-3996 (fax)
  • About

    Executive Advisor, LLC, was formed in 1997 by Susan Marshall to help business executives become more effective thinkers, planners, problem solvers, and leaders. Her work has evolved over the years, narrowing from a scope as broad as strategic planning and performance management systems to a targeted framework helping clients and their executive teams build rock solid confidence in five fundamental skills.

    Proficiency in critical thinking, decisiveness, clarity of communication, integrity of word and act, and consistency form a foundation for executive success that applies across a wide variety of industries, in private sector and not-for-profit enterprises, and at all levels within an organization.

    Building confidence is a process that involves learning, risk-taking, and feedback, all of which are highly valued in theory but only rarely evident in organizational settings.

    That?s because the vulnerability associated with this process is not generally sought after! Susan has a deep respect for people who are willing to engage in learning; this respect fuels her clients? aspirations and determination to succeed.